Best known as the owner and operator of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV), the TMX Group provides a comprehensive range of financial, information and technology services to the Canadian and international financial communities. The new TMX Market Centre is a high-visibility landmark in Toronto’s financial district, animating the urban realm, embodying the energy and dynamism of the TMX brand and bringing together clients, investors and TSX representatives.

Our Advance Strategy client engagement process developed a clear and concise project vision, defined ideal user experiences, and explored how to capture those criteria in physical space. To provide a welcoming sense of arrival and a bold presence along this busy downtown Financial District corridor, the exterior incorporates large digital signage. Upon entering, a lofty double-height space with full catering facilities is capable of seating 210 people for client and investor receptions, conferences, and discussion forums with breakout spaces accommodating a further 120 people. Supporting the Market Centre are a fully equipped media control room, a video editing suite, and shot box where live anchored broadcasts can be transmitted featuring a large LED screen in the background.