How Can We Foster Our EDIB Culture Across Studios?

EDIB Mix'n'Mingle

5月 27, 2024

To promote a more inclusive and diverse environment, we recently hosted a cross-studio Mix’n’Mingle on May 23, 2024, focused on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EDIB) initiatives.

The event, hosted both in-person and virtually, connected staff from our Toronto, Vancouver, and Seattle studios. It aimed to reinforce B+H’s commitment to EDIB and promote action-oriented collaboration.

Gail Shillingford and Jamie Miller from the Toronto studio kicked off the event, highlighting the importance of such engagement sessions in building upon B+H’s existing EDIB foundation. The Mix’n’Mingle fostered a unique environment that blended physical interactions with a digital collaboration board. This platform allowed employees from all our North American studios to seamlessly contribute their thoughts and feedback on EDIB, ensuring inclusivity regardless of physical location.

The discussions focused on brainstorming ideas for collective actions to advance EDIB progress at B+H, and exploring how the concept of EDIB be applied at an individual level. By fostering open and honest dialogue, the Mix’n’Mingle facilitated idea sharing and brainstorming sessions to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace experience for all our staff. 

We look forward to continuing these important discussion and using the valuable insights from the Mix’n’Mingle to help us develop effective strategies to create a genuinely welcoming and equitable work environment for everyone at B+H.