A Celebration of Science, Sustainability, and Community

Central Washington University Health Sciences Building Experiential Graphics

Project Photos

Central Washington University’s new Health Sciences building aimed to create a welcoming and informative environment for students, faculty, and the community. To achieve this, they partnered with B+H’s EXD team. The EXD team’s mission was to craft a program of engaging graphics that would serve a dual purpose: showcasing the six health science programs and emphasizing their collaborative approach to serving the greater community’s health needs.

Before the construction of the new Health Sciences building, the six health science programs were spread out across various buildings on campus. Designed specifically for these programs, the building needed the EXD program to remain constantly relevant to its user base. To achieve this, the B+H EXD team collaborated with outgoing and incoming department chairs, along with other key faculty members. Through these interactions, they gained valuable insights into the different health science programs and the stories they wanted to showcase to visitors.

Greeted upon entry by a custom CWU “spirit sign” seamlessly woven into the building’s architectural cladding, visitors are dazzled by the high ceilings of the light-filled, central atrium. Here, dynamic graphics dance across the connecting stairways, fostering a vibrant and collaborative atmosphere.

Public spaces throughout the building were transformed with multi-layered wall installations highlighting CWU’s health science programs. Program-inspired graphics adorn key walls in corridors, labs, and office spaces, aligning visually with their respective functions. The main lab corridors are infused with school spirit through exposed columns painted in an ombre pattern that mirrors CWU’s signature colors.

This dedication to detail extends to every aspect of the building experience. Exit stairs showcase graphics reminiscent of the region’s mountains, subtly referencing the surrounding landscape and fostering a connection to the local environment. Landings offer an additional layer of inspiration, with motivational messages displayed against a backdrop of local topographical maps that reinforce the wellness aspect of the department’s programs.

Finally, the building’s LEED Gold status takes center stage. A signage program scattered throughout public areas creates a self-guided tour, highlighting the building’s sustainable features and solidifying CWU’s commitment to environmental responsibility. Additionally, the plaque acknowledging and honoring the Indigenous Peoples who once stewarded this land serves as a permanent embodiment of the university’s land acknowledgment statement, which is typically delivered only at campus events.