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In 2018, Uber sought to create a leading-edge workplace solution for their new Canadian head office, located on the top five floors of a downtown Toronto office tower, which also includes outdoor terraces on the two top floors. Concurrently, Uber was also in the process of revitalizing their branding guidelines, including their general workplace requirements and standards. This blank canvas provided the opportunity to envision a new type of workplace for Uber. This evolution would align with the company’s refreshed brand, vision, and values, facilitate a seamless transition its staff to working in a larger, multi-floor office space, and enhance the elements stipulated in their new brand guidelines while creating a highly collaborative, inclusive, creative and fun environment for its talent.

Inspired by the theme of movement, both literally and figuratively, the interior design for the new corporate headquarters for Uber Canada evokes a sense of forward momentum. The elements of rhythm, repetition, bold lines and contrasting details converge to reflect both Uber’s global growth and trajectory as a world-leading technology enterprise and its drive to get people where they want to go. It represents the ability to move forward without boundaries or limitations, connecting people, passions, and places.

Integral to the overall project design was a robust environmental graphic design (EGD) strategy. Inspired by Uber’s culture, the interior design team selected five key values as inspiration for the space: connect, explore, surprise, play, and pause. With those values as a jumping-off point, the interior design team assigned associated colours and developed a visual language – with each level of the five floors occupied by Uber uniquely reflecting one of the values.