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Part of the Outram Park Master Plan for Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Outram Community Hospital will strengthen the continuum of care on the SGH campus by providing 545 beds, mostly for sub-acute care but also including a palliative care wing, in close proximity to the acute-care hospital.
Linked to the main hospital at levels 3 and 4, Outram Community Hospital will minimize the time required for patient transfers, thereby ensuring that patient treatments can recommence as soon as possible after a transfer from acute to sub-acute care occurs.
Designing a rehabilitation facility that would shorten patients’ journey along the road to recovery was a central objective. Outram Community Hospital provides extensive access to natural light and landscaped outdoor spaces, including a rooftop rehabilitation centre. In each ward, there are day rooms in which patients can work with therapists and perform rehabilitative exercises. The hospital also contains a model two-room flat where, in a home-like setting and with a therapist’s guidance, patients can practice skills they will need to return to independent living.
The ward block and an administrative block sit above the rehabilitation and outpatient podium. This community hospital’s naturally ventilated wards have been designed to simplify possible conversion to air conditioning at a later date, and they have also been configured to facilitate a future expansion that would potentially increase capacity to 910 beds. The community hospital’s basement will house SGH’s new central logistics centre and provide 960 parking bays.