Talent Spotlight: Kathryn Clews
International Women's Day 2023
Kathryn Clews
Name: Kathryn Clews
Role: Senior Project Architect
Studio: Seattle
What is something a well-designed building/space can’t exist without? An intimate understanding of the people who will use the space.
If you weren’t in your current position, what would you be working as? A landscape designer, flower farmer or owning my own bakery or animal rescue.
Who has taught you the most in life? All my previous mentors. There are so many wonderful humans in the world of design and I cherish everything I’ve learned from each and every one of them.
Famous words to live by? “Leave it better than you found it.” This applies to all scales of life and work.
What is one design trend you’d like to end? Waste! In materials, in spending, any aspect of design.
What is one design trend you’d like to start? A more intentional look at sustainable design as a holistic approach instead of a box checking exercise.
Two people you’d like to have lunch with and why? Gerald Durrell – his books are fascinating, and he was on the early wave of understanding the need to save species from what humans are doing to the planet. Also, my Grandad – he passed away when I was in college and he’s one of the most fascinating and kind people (also an author!) I feel like there was so much more I needed to learn from him.
How would you describe your approach to design? People-focused and planet-conscious, which is why as an architect I chose to focus on interiors projects; I prefer the human scale.
What might people be surprised to know about you outside of work? I’m fairly crafty; I grew up cross-stitching and still do but also dabble in leather crafts, tapestry and any other fun crafty things I can find time to do. I recently took a pottery class and made food bowls for my cat Bingley!
Are there any words of wisdom from a client that stuck with you? It wasn’t a client but a mentor; they once told me in the midst of a chaotic week: “We’re not ER doctors. It’s not that critical and it can be overcome. Just breathe.” Sometimes we all need that reminder because we let the chaos control us.